[s-cars] Air Compressor Newbie - Is it broken already

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 21 15:36:20 EDT 2004

--- Mark Pollan <mark.pollan at mci.com> wrote:

> I picked up a single stage, oil free compressor last week.  The instructions
> say to bleed off the pressure and drain the tank of accumulated condensation
> after every use.  Well, after the second use I drained it and there was some
> oil being spit out of the drain valve.  Is this normal or do I need to have
> Sears replace it?


the tanks are coated with oil to keep them from rusting out internally.  i
wouldn't worry about it.

by the way, to make draining the tank easier and to keep condensation from
sitting inside the tank rusting it, replace the drain valve with a hose barb
so you can attach a hose to it.  put a valve at the end of the hose.
water will drain into this hose and sit in the hose.  you'll probably
find it a lot easier to open the valve at the end of the hose than trying
to turn a little screw valve under the tank.


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