[s-cars] Secrets...

Gabriel Caldwell gabriel at ts.bc.ca
Sat Oct 23 04:13:39 EDT 2004

So only 3 was a secret?  Darn.  I don't have the manual.


Gabriel Caldwell



From: FvAMI at aol.com [mailto:FvAMI at aol.com] 
Sent: October 22, 2004 11:06 PM
To: Gabriel Caldwell; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Secrets...


In a message dated 10/22/04 2:52:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
gabriel at ts.bc.ca writes: 


With the ignition key in the OFF position, press and hold down the 
Autocheck RESET button. 



Keeping the RESET button pressed, turn the ignition key to the ON 
position. Verify that the correct Autocheck computer code is displayed 
(a532 - also shared with the 20V non turbo quattro). 



Release the RESET button and verify that the next number displayed is 
approximately the amount of fuel in the tank. This is displayed in 
litres x 10 (e.g 30 litres in the tank is display as 300). 



Press and hold the Autocheck UP button and verify that the correct 
country code is displayed (eg GB, EU, SA or AU). This is determined by 
the coding plug and establishes if fuel & range calculations are 
performed in gallons, litres, miles or kilometres. 



Release the UP button , then press and hold the Autocheck DOWN button 
and verify that the appropriate range calibration adjustment is 
displayed. This was set to zero in the factory, but can be adjusted by a

special procedure to +/- 15% if it is necessary to recalibrate the range


Note that you may encounter an 'aF' code at this step if the fuel usage 
signal from the ECU is not detected by the Autocheck / Trip computer. 

>From S2 central 

Well, it's not really a secret - it is in the Bentley repair manual - at
least for the US and Canada and Saudi Arabia (???) - UrS4 ... for the
lucky few with the display. 

aF = Multiport Fuel Injection 

- run the engine at 3000 RPM for 30 Seconds. 
- Switch Engine off 
- Press and hold Reset 
- Switch Ignition On (while holding reset) 
- Press lower function selector switch and hold down 
- aF should appear 

2 has the following code 
a411 = code for 5 Cylinder ... USA and Canada ... (what happened to

is not listed in the manual will have to try. 

US, CA or SA 


... and trip computer range can be calibrated. 

Best regards, 
Feico van der Laan

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