[s-cars] Strange right fron suspension clunk... HELP...

Levent Cur leventcur at charter.net
Tue Oct 26 19:42:33 EDT 2004

 Hmmmm...   When i am driving the car down the road, and turn fast to 
the left, the front right side clunks real loud. i'm worried! but only 
when i turn real hard while moving. not going straight over bumps. by 
the way every single piece of rubber in the front got replaced 2 weeks 
ago, even the subframe bushings, and engine mounts. like i said, all but 
the strut mounts, and struts.  the tie rods do not have any play in 
them.. thats the first thing i checked. It only does it on the right 
side when turning a real hard fast left, like as if someone is pulling 
out in front of you.   i'm rather upset. any ideas?


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