[s-cars] Mystery Miss

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Fri Oct 29 09:07:40 EDT 2004

I'm glad to have been of help, Bob.  :-)  It should be noted that, to 
distinguish between Bob Rossato and me, he spells his "Bob" backwards.  ;-)

At 09:00 AM 10/29/2004 -0400, Bob Rossato wrote:

> > Bob,
> > Surprised, but delighted to find a simple fix.  The behavior sounds
> > more MAF related ( I know, dirty word ) if the miss is not definitely
> > only one cylinder.    I think Bob Rossato just has a sympathetic miss.
> > I may not feel it, but, at least I know your pain.
> >
> > Tom
>Well Tom, you may have been right about that.  Ever since Bob Myers fixed
>his problem my car hasn't had any more misfires.  Haven't been able to get
>the misfire to recur over the last few weeks.  Thanks for fixing my car Bob!

Random Bushism: "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to 
pass a literacy test." George W. Bush, Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001
Robert Myers  304-574-2372
Fayetteville, WV
'95 urS6 - Cashmere Grey

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