[s-cars] Power Window problem

Airbil at aol.com Airbil at aol.com
Sun Oct 31 21:52:22 EST 2004

Dan thought his window amazingly clean ~
>"Drivers Window stopped working, and unfortunately, is down.
>can't get the Window to work manually either, i.e. using >the Key and holding it in the lock position."

IF it is the switch (and it well could be) the stealer part
off the passenger side I had switched because of the same
problem is 4A0 959 855 A 0l0.  But since it did not go up using the key it 'could' be something else I suppose.
To remove the switch, slide a small putty knife under the
rear of the switch pad flange, push it forward and pry it up.
The switches are held in place by four small one way tabs, so
you have to slide something like a small screw driver in on
one of the 'long' sides to free at least two of them and then push the switch down.
Butofcourse I learned all this 'after' taking my whole door
Good luck with your urS Halloween trick;)
Bill M

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