[s-cars] RE: sfest dribble

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Sep 3 08:32:34 EDT 2004

Larry missed out:

<<<Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 21:10:37 -0400
From: Larry C Leung <l.leung at juno.com>
Subject: [s-cars] Re: S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 11, Issue 7 sfest dribble

I'm STILL so sorry I left Saturday night and missed this. 
Makes me give a silent (bwahahaha) every time I think 
of it. 

One of the better quotes from Saturday night still had to
be when Serge returned with your car, and we popped the

"Oooooh. It's GLOWING (the EM and turbo)!!!!

Pretty nuts when it seems like it's 90 degrees out at night and
fifteen guys all gather around a glowing turbo.....

LL - NY>>>

I think it's still glowing Larry...  d'oh!  

Not sure what was funnier though...  Serge returning with my clutch smoking
and manifold a-blazing, or my attempts to signal local Indians via the
smokey hood ducts (aka "Chimney") on Pizzo's hood?  We should do a poll...

The guys @ NEA suggested my cats may be clogged if I'm seeing red manifolds
(duh).  However when the system was dropped they said they "peeked in /
shook them around" and all seemed fine.  Not sure I'm convinced.  Prior to
the Mihnea tune I used to run Mobil, and *always* got cooked egg smell (aka
cooked kitties and / or high sulfur gas?).  Leaning toward the fact they're
clogged, but when I've clogged cats before the car got silent and lost
significant power.  


Any List Opinion on that matter?  Trying to work a local 'friend' to cut and
gut the kitties anyway methinks.  

-Paul can't wait to punch my cats regardless of what the wife & ASPCA will
say K.

ps...  "doood there's like sh*t in here!!!!!"  BWHahahahahahaa...

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