[s-cars] S-cars: 95 vs 95.5 vs 96 vs 97

Keith Maddock keith.maddock at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 17:57:26 EDT 2004

On Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:20:30 -0700, DB <danberar at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Countng the months. Since the first RS2s came
> out in 94, the magical year for us is 2009...
> Anybody know how a foreign citizen can legally
> drive around a car they've purchased in Germany
> (for a month or so)?
> Cheers,
> Dan B.

You can get "Export Plates"  (Ausfuhrkennzeichen) for up to a year. 
All you need is the paperwork for the car and proof of 3rd party
(liability) insurance (haftpflichtversicherung).


For example, this is what goes on all the "Factory delivery" Porsches
and BMW's...

In Koblenz, you would need:

A) KFZ-Brief (title which is proof of ownership)
B1) KFZ-Schein (proof of registration) + license plates   OR
B2) Abmeldbescheinigung (proof of de-registration)
C) Versicherungsbestaetigung (Proof of insurance )
D) Personalausweis (ID = Passport)


Usually you can buy (expensive) 3rd party insurance for such plates
from the Schilderdienst (license plate shop(s))  that are outside the
zulassungstelle (registration office).

It might be possible to get it through your home insurance company
which might have a german affiliate.  AAA might be able to hook you
up, they are associated with ADAC which is their German equivalent. 
Or you could get it directly from ADAC.

80 EUR for 15 days or 160 EUR per month.


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