[s-cars] RE: Key FOB Still Won't program
Southerlin, Russell S
russell.s.southerlin at lmco.com
Tue Sep 7 20:50:51 EDT 2004
The A8 procedure was the same one from Audiworld. I was thinking the
hold both buttons down (S-cars.org)was the 95.5 procedure and the hold
the open button down was the 97 S6/A8 procedure. I am confused!! What
is the hold both buttons down for?
95.5 S6
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry C Leung [mailto:l.leung at juno.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 6:10 PM
To: Southerlin, Russell S
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Key FOB Still Won't program
The s-cars.org procedure appears to be the same as
the Bentley procedure. The Bentley adds that the car
will beep, unlock and it's programmed. You can program
the fob to different driver seat memories by pressing the
fob key in 1 second intervals to match the number. Not that
this matters since the FOB didn't program. You're still right
where I am. So, what's the A8 procedure?
On Tue, 07 Sep 2004 09:45:00 -0600 "Southerlin, Russell S"
<russell.s.southerlin at lmco.com> writes:
> Larry,
> Yes I still cannot get the fob to program. This weekend I tried it
> numerous times - no luck. Found a old post where someone had
> success
> with the seat memory switch pushed in - no luck. Checked fuses -
> no
> luck. Disconnected the car battery to reset everything - no luck.
> I
> bought another set of fob batteries. I measured the fob battery
> voltage
> while pushing the buttons. The voltage goes down slightly (3.15V
> to
> 3.10V) when the buttons are pushed indicating that the fob is
> probably
> working.
> What is the Bently procedure. I am using the S-cars.org 2 key
> procedure. Turn on ignition key, lock drivers door. The push both
> buttons. I am thinking about trying the A8 procedure??? I need
> to
> find someone with a 95.5 with a working key fob and try to program
> theirs to my car and vise versa.
> Anyone on Denver or Castle Rock, CO area want to volunteer their
> car?
> Russ Southerlin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry C Leung [mailto:l.leung at juno.com]
> Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2004 7:35 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Cc: Southerlin, Russell S
> Subject: Re: S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 11, Issue 11
> Congrats on the new key. I've got the same reprograming
> problem you do. If you have any luck, let me know, I'll
> do the same. I've tried everything else everyone suggested
> on the list, too, as well as the Bentley CD procedure. No luck.
> LL - NY
> > Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 15:51:03 -0600
> > From: "Southerlin, Russell S" <russell.s.southerlin at lmco.com>
> > Subject: [s-cars] S6 Duplicate Key Questions SUCCESSFUL
> > To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> > Message-ID:
> >
> <3352E03FC741BB4E97EDB6991C8DC44105CB17E1 at emss02m18.us.lmco.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> >
> > I was able to get my local locksmith to order a key blank and he
> had
> > a machine
> > that cut the sides. Cost me $25!!!! Works real good.
> >
> > Only thing is, I still cannot get the key fob to re-program with
> the
> > 2 key method??
> > Maybe I got a bad key fob, it does have a new battery.
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