[s-cars] Adventures in S-car travels

James Murray (QB/EMC) james.murray at ericsson.com
Fri Sep 10 11:45:54 EDT 2004


Yup, it's in my hands... sorry I haven't sent out an update in a while... I've tried really hard to get Samco to cooperate and the lack of interest and customer service pushed me towards SFS to see what they can do. It's been what a month or so? waiting of Samco to respond and give me a quote (back and forth with measurements, and calling and e-mail begging for a response, it got a little ridiculous chasing them..., they finally came back and they are $20 USD more expensive than SFS per hose, although there tooling costs are slightly lower. 

I promise I will put together an e-mail this weekend with the details, based on the fact the SFS seems more responsive, and cheaper in costs I suggest we take this business to them, if I can get minimum 20 to remain on the list then it's a go. I will base costs on getting 20 confirmed. If everyone wants Samco, then costs will be higher, and probably the wait... but you all know that! 

Stay tuned !

Cheers, /James.

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Pasqualoni, James E
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 11:25 AM
To: 'Emre Washburn'; chris chambers
Cc: Scar
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Adventures in S-car travels

I believe that GP is in the rather capable hands of James Murray...

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Emre Washburn
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 11:24 AM
To: chris chambers
Cc: Scar
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Adventures in S-car travels

On that note, Paul K, how goes the Samco turbo to MAF hose project? 

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves to many!

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 07:59:41 -0700 (PDT), chris chambers
<fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Fellow S-car nuts,
> Had some fun on our vacation driving from Kalamazoo, Michigan to 
> Kentucky then onto Pennsylvania. I must say that the RS2 upgrade I 
> recently performed is quite fun, I do know that it frustrated some 
> Boxter driver! He tried to leave me behind and I stuck to him like 
> glue, finally lifting the throttle ~ 130 MPH. My brain had finally 
> caught up to my foot as I realized the drag of two bikes and a thule 
> cargo box on the roof might not be welcomed to the rack! Yup that's 
> right, I have confirmed that a Thule bike rack system will stay put at 
> speeds up to 130 mph.
> A few weeks ago I determined my intake hose (from filter housing to 
> turbo intake" was cracking and leaking. Well a kind lister stepped 
> forward and offered a mint condition hose off his recently crashed 
> car.
> This hose was installed during my RS2 Turbo upgrade, and just over a 
> week later while driving through Freeburg PA my car began to run 
> badly. I pulled over and upon opening the hood discovered that the 
> hose was torn! It ripped along the clamp line, and was only hanging on 
> by ~ 1 1/2 inches of material! Now here we found ourselves in the 
> middle of amish buggyville, with nobody in sight let alone a FLAPS or 
> Audi dealer. I gathered my wits and found out that there was an Ace 
> hardware store down the hill, so off I went.
> In part two of this saga you will learn how to patch together your 
> turbo intake hose using supplies you can find at your friendly 
> neighborhood ACE Deli/clothier/grocer/hardware store. Yes this was the 
> most interesting retail store I have ever seen!
> A complete write up to follow with appropriate pics!
> Chris
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