[s-cars] RE: Electrical Bulb Question

manuel manuelsanchez at starpower.net
Sun Sep 12 18:18:57 EDT 2004

I tried installing the new bulb(s) but they would not illuminate, so...

I place the leads of the multi-tester :
1  across the bare wires and I got a circuit ( I pegged the needle when set to 15V)
2. Inside the bulb holder and I get a circuit (when set to check resistance?, the  Ohmns symbol)
3. Inside the bulb holder connected to the 2 wire connectors and I get a circuit ( I pegged the needle when set to 15V) (of course the headlight switch is on).
4. Insert bulb in bulb holder, no light, and no circuit when I connect the multitester, so I flip the wires around, and still nothing.
5. Remove bulb, insert multi-tester and I get a good circuit when set to 15V.
6. I try other bulbs, same effect, same result, no illumination.


Any ideas?



95.5 S6 Avant 

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