[s-cars] Headlight adjustments

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 11:32:22 EDT 2004

I've seen what 9012s installed in the S4/S6 projectors lows looks like-
in a stock wiring (no relays), 100k mile pitted lens car. The 9012s are
freaking amazingly bright. I don't see anything coming close to the output
of these unless you go to HID.

I would carefully check your wiring, see if you're getting anywhere near the
correct voltage to your bulbs, check to make sure that your headlights are
aimed properly (not too low), and check to see that your projectors aren't
hazing over (common problem). If all of these things check out, then you should
have a pretty good setup, unless your lens is really pitted.

9012s probably going into next car

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