[s-cars] Strange "Honking" noise...no it's not the alarm!

Mark Pollan mark.pollan at mci.com
Thu Sep 16 20:37:25 EDT 2004


Did you look to see if there was a goose or child's horn stuck between the
spring coils?  Just funnin' with you.  What's ur mileage?  My bet is that
some bushing has dried out.  Go through and hit all rubber parts including
exhaust hangers with a liberal dose of silicone spray.  BTDT on more than
one marquee and silencio.



-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces+mark.pollan=mci.com at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces+mark.pollan=mci.com at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
chris chambers
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 8:30 PM
To: Scar
Subject: [s-cars] Strange "Honking" noise...no it's not the alarm!

Scar nutz,

Haven't been able to figure this one out.
While on our trip we started hearing a "honking" noise, like a goose or
child's horn. It first only happened when the car was rocked from side
to side, now it's happening more often. It comes from the rear of the
car, and if I climb under the car and have the wife rock the car I can
hear it but not isolate it.

Searched the archives but couldn't find anything, has anybody had this
happen before?

Thoughts, opinions and wild ass guesses would be greatly appreciated!


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