[s-cars] POS Question

riff944 riff944 at cox.net
Sat Sep 18 18:20:06 EDT 2004

Hi Rich,/Jack/Bruce-

Thanks for the tips.  I will definetely clean off the coilpack and the boot
and re-install before throwing parts at it, better to find the root problem.

As for changing the POS and having the miss stay at the same cyl, yes, that
is what happened.  I was hoping that I did not fry the POS after the switch
if it was the plug boot/coil that was the problem.  Anyway, I'll give the
parts a cleaning and re-install, again.

Went and bought a car seat for the 944 in case I need to lay the car up for
a bit.  Glad there is no snow on the ground yet.....


'95 S6 down but not out thank to this list!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Mendel" <brucem105 at comcast.net>
To: <riff944 at cox.net>
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] POS Question

> Not sure I understand. You switched POS connectors, and the miss stayed at
> cyl #3? Then it's not the POS.....as the problem should move to another
> cylinder.
> I tested by removing each fuel injector connector till I found the one
> did NOT make the car miss worse....then I knew that cylinder was already
> missing. Then I switched POS connectors, and it was at a different
> telling me it was the POS. If your miss is not "moving" to another
> it's not the POS, but more likely the plug, plug boot, or coil pack.
> Also, driving that way will not hurt it, as long as you're not going on a
> huge trip, asking for a lot of boost, etc.
> B
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <riff944 at cox.net>
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 3:07 PM
> Subject: [s-cars] POS Question
> > H All-
> >
> > My car developed a miss yesterday.  Followed the instructions on SJM
> Autotechnik on trouble shooting the POS and found it was cylinder #3. Well
> after changing the POS side to side I still have the problem.  Looks like
> am due for a new POS.
> >
> > Questions I have is that I also pulled the plug boots to see them.  On
> there was a white mark that looked like residue from it arcing to the head
> at the coil.  Picture available here:
> >
> > http://forums.rennlist.com/upload/plug_boot_sm.jpg
> >
> > Could the boot be bad and cause the POS failure?  I would hate to buy a
> new POS and have this happen again if it is the boot's fault.
> >
> > Also is it very bad to drive the car with the miss?  I will order the
> parts today, but probably won't get them until mid-week for install.
> I be doing damage to the car to continue driving it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Riff
> >
> > '95 S6
> >
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