[s-cars] Key FOB Still Won't program

Southerlin, Russell S russell.s.southerlin at lmco.com
Thu Sep 23 15:35:05 EDT 2004

O.K. here we go again. 

I picked up a Key FOB off of Ebay and tried it.  Replaced the battery with a new one.
Measured the battery voltage while punching the buttons and it drops slightly indicating that
the FOB is most likely working.

Anyway, still no response from the car??  Tried to clear the memories with no luck.
No horn beep, no unlock, no nothing.  It seems like the RF receiver is not responding
since I get no horn beep when the button is pushed.

Which box is the RF receiver (I think it is under the back seat)?  
Does anyone have schematics that they could send me?


Russell Southerlin

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