[s-cars] Quote of the day

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 23 19:39:01 EDT 2004

funny you guys should mention this.

i went biking yesterday.  i hit a traffic light by the freeway, and as
i sat on my bike waiting for the light to change, i spied a large piece
of black plastic a few yards away.  hmm, that looks like an undertray.
wow, it's got NACA ducts molded into it just like my audi's.  then i
noticed the blue duct tape on it, and it looked just like the duct tape
i had used to patch mine up after it cracked.  doh!

sure enough, when i got home, the undertray was missing from my car.  i
hadn't driven that car for several days, so i don't know how long the
undertray had been sitting there.  lucky that i happened to stop there
and see it before it got picked up by the road maintenance crews.

the vertical surfaces are gone.  i'm sure it got run over a bunch of times
before ending up on the shoulder of the road.  the metal bar on the
trailing edge was still attached.  looks like some fasteners vibrated
loose and dropped the whole shebang on the ground.

i'm going to have to figure out how to put this thing back on the car.
probably going to use zipties, as the quarter-turn fasteners are gone.


--- Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org> wrote:

> Hmmmm...  It's interesting that you report  "acute attachment failure" of 
> your belly pan after seeing the change droid.  Mine suffered the exact same 
> fate after my last visit to my "local" (60 miles from here) Certified Audi 
> Mechanic at the "local" stealership.  I have been driving sans belly pan 
> ever since.  That's part of why I'm working at developing an affordable 
> FMIC for my car.  Once it's done and I find it works well I'll see about 
> putting it out as a bolt-on kit.  I'm anticipating a price below, hopefully 
> well below, $1K (like maybe $700 to $800 or possibly even a bit less) once 
> everything is all together.
> At 06:34 PM 9/23/2004 -0400, Keith Maddock wrote:
> >Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > I didn't feel like getting oil all over my hands so I took my urS6 to our
> > > local JiffyLube clone along with five quarts of Mobil1 and a nice new
> Mann
> > > filter and drove up on their rack.  The change droid, after looking
> closely
> > > at my car, asked me, "Is that a Saturn?"  :-(
> >
> >Wow, that's worse than my last experience, I pulled up and the guy
> >asked "What kind of Volkswagen is this?"  (In his defense I have the
> >Kamei grill and no rings..)
> >
> >This place also had a LOT of problems with my belly pan, in the end it
> >took over an hour because they were so incredibly incompetent.  Adding
> >insult to injury, the belly pad suffered "acute attachment failure"
> >the next day, while rapidly following Paul K. to S-Fest :-(
> >
> >That'll be the last quickie-lube job for my S4....
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Keith
> Bob
> Random Bushism: "If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and 
> polls and principles, come and join this campaign." George W. Bush, Hilton 
> Head, S.C., Feb. 16, 2000
> _____
> Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
> Fayetteville, WV, USA
> '95 urS6 - Cashmere Grey
> _____
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