[s-cars] Head unit and CD changer - what are they worth?

Tom Mullane tmullane at snet.net
Fri Sep 24 16:31:26 EDT 2004

Ok, time to start cleaning out the garage.  I'm starting with the easy stuff
- easy because it actually might have some value, so someone should want it.
I have a head unit and a ten disc CD changer from a 92-95 urS in good
working condition.  What are they worth, and what is the best way to sell?
Separate, or together?

And while I'm thinking of it, what is a stock turbo worth?  Is there any
market for stock exhaust manifolds?



BTW, this is not related to my Phat Noise info request; my car has the 95.5
style stereo with an aftermarket changer.

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