[s-cars] Fault code 2341- Solved it!!!!! MAF

Bjørn Eirik Ødegård Bjorn.Eirik.Odegard at roxar.com
Mon Sep 27 05:03:18 EDT 2004

Sorry to chime in so late, but it I could have told you this, as i've BTDT this spring.. I also got a lit Check engine light, but the symptoms were the same.
If you can't get it discounted from your dealer or favourite 3rd party shop, try to get it through your Bosch dealer using the Bosch number stamped on it. It was about $130 compared to the $700 VAG price tag here..

And for god's sake, don't sell the car!!! ;o)

Bjorn :o)
'92 S4 MTM

>From: Mike Platt <mplatt911 at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: [s-cars] Fault code 2341- Solved it!!!!!  MAF
>To: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net>
>Cc: Paul Krasusky <WQQ2PXK at ups.com>, Tom Pollock
>	<thomas.pollock at amd.com>,	Bob HS Rossato 
><robert.rossato at hs.utc.com>,
>	Tom Mullane <tmullane at snet.net>, Scar <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Well it was only a matter of time with all the help
>from the listers!!! The  MAF sensor is bad. And the
>winner in the great mystery is.....Tom Pollock, who
>hit it dead on. Peter Shultz came to rescue with a
>loaner part and a VAG-COM. Everyone else gave me
>things to look for and I appreciate it!!!
>Symptom: Car would idle poorly when cold for about 1
>minute, then OK.  When driving car...any slight
>throttle application around 2500-3500rpm and car would
>stumble. Mash throttle, all OK.
>Code indicated it could be a multitude of things: 02
>sensor, ignition problem, fuel pressure, and a few
>more I think.
>Swapped in Peter's MAF from an S2 motor and she's
>running like a new car. 
>Problem remains: I need a new MAF, or good used one.
>Anyone out there know of one. I can't sell this great
>car without fixing this.
>Thanks again all!!!
>Mike P (95.5 S6 avant for sale, and running awesome)

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