[s-cars] RSB rub

marc weiner marcweiner at comcast.net
Mon Sep 27 22:38:28 EDT 2004

After a few tries, my mechanic adjusted the lower control arms to get mine to stop sqeaking.  I never had any clunk though - it was a screeching sound from the RSB rubbing against the spring perch on the drivers side.  Also, I have cut and pasted a message I received when I was having problems from DJDAWSON below.
Good Luck,

The HRSB can and does fit without interference.  But you do have to work at it.  The critical things are heim joint length (go with about 5") and the mounting of the links themselves.  The lower control arm makes an arc as it moves through its travel.  If the bar is installed on a lift, the links are generally installed vertically when the vehicle is on the lift.  When the car is set down, the links are then positioned such that they point in from top to bottom.  As a result, the bar then "walks," and then ends up in a position such that the bar and the lower spring perch rub.

You have 2 choices... either work with the heim links to find the mounting that positions them vertically when the vehicle's suspension is loaded, so that the bar doesn't walk, or have a tab welded on the bar at its mount point so that it can't walk.  I went with #1, and my bar never interferes with anything.

Oh yeah... there's the 3rd choice... throw your hands in the air and give up.  I'd recommend one of the first 2, however, as the bar does transform the handling of an otherwise fairly lethargic car.
Good luck,

<<<Message: 7
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 15:48:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: forrest bradshaw <sola4est at yahoo.com>
Subject: [s-cars] anyone resolve the rubbing of the HRSB and rear
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Message-ID: <20040927224823.60086.qmail at web50703.mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

mine is rubbing and making noise(clunk) and I don't like that.
any help is much appreciated.
thanks in advance

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