[s-cars] What should I look for before buying an S6

Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net
Tue Sep 28 18:50:47 EDT 2004

Jimmy Pribble's site has some good info;


Major items would be clutch, suspension, brakes, steering, CV boots, wheel 
bearing. I would look closely at these items for wear and/or replacement.

Sean Douglas
1997 S6

Quoting Steven Verona <verona at stevenverona.com>:

> I am looking at a 95.5 S6 Avant on Weds and was wondering what I should 
> be on the lookout for? It has had a timing belt and the scheduled 
> maintenance done.  BTW, 155k miles on the odo... how much more can I 
> expect before major expenses and what will they be?
> Thanks,
> Steven Verona
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