[s-cars] Re:what to look for in an S6---avant

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Wed Sep 29 14:44:05 EDT 2004

Gary Boeing'd
"Thanks MLP.  You and a few other guys were the vision that provided me
with the incredible vehicle I have."

>Ditto that.

"I'm at MLP/HAP/TFRANK/RAYT stage one!!!"

>Ditto that too.

"listen to this guy,  ...
.....do as MLP does. "

>I'll forward this to Mrs MLP;)

Sorry to see Gary go and why Mike Platt would ditch the avant now that
its perfect and go to a hemi something with no front overhang AND the
motor BEHIND the front wheels is beyond me.  tsk tsk !  What's he gonna
do with all that free time?

WRT my own red pig avant.. I have only to install the rs2 WGFV, some
instruments and add some bling over the next year and it is done...
I now have blacked out the window trim (wife now believes me totally
nutz) and with the powder coated roof rack, cup wheels, lltek air dam,
s6+ rear, ... car is as close to an rs2 supercar poser as a pig can be.
Road America Chgo Area Alfa fest two weeks away.  Oh bouy! :)   
I think I'll keep this car fer awhile:)
My .0002 
Bill M  ~ haven't pulled the trans. in over a month now!

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