[s-cars] clutch problem

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 6 23:23:19 EDT 2005

i think you have a clutch or pressure plate problem.

that would be consistent with the symptoms you described.


--- Elijahallen92 at aol.com wrote:
> Ok how bout this. With car in firs gear I can roll it back and forth in the  
> garage with little resistance. Does this rule out the cv thing? I'm pretty 
> sure  now that its something other than the cv joints. The slave cylinder
> looks 
> fine  with no liquid coming from it and the clutch pedal feel is normal. Did
> my 
>  centerforce clutch fail or maybe the ASW aluminum flywheel? This sucks, I 
> was  hoping for just a blown cv joint.
> Elijah
> In a message dated 4/6/2005 6:30:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
> tedebearp at yahoo.com writes:
> you  might still be able to turn the wheel that's off the ground.   the
> front differential is an open differential.  if you put the car in  gear,
> the engine is coupled to the drivetrain.  if both front wheels  are off
> the ground, rotating a wheel should cause the other wheel to rotate  
> in the opposite direction.  if the other front wheel is on the  ground
> (and thus unable to rotate in the opposite direction), you'll  get
> resistance because you're now trying to turn the engine over.   put
> enough force into it and the engine will turn over, and then  you'll
> feel the effect of compressing the air in the cylinders.  is  the engine
> turning over?  have your wife look into the engine  compartment and see
> if the crank is turning.
> you can check the  axleshafts and drive flanges on the tranny to
> see if everything's still  connected, or you can put both front wheels
> up in the air and see if the  other wheel rotates in the opposite direction
> when you rotate a  wheel.
> -teddy
> --- Elijahallen92 at aol.com wrote:
> > Bill and  all,
> >  Ok I just went out and jacked the car up so that one front  wheel was  off
> > the ground. With car in gear and clutch out I  could turn the wheel about a
> > half 
> > turn and then it would get  tight but with a little pressure would break  
> free
> > 
> > again  and turn to that point. If 3 of 4 wheels are on the ground I   
> shouldn't
> > 
> > be able to turn the whell thats off the ground  correct? When I have  the 
> wife
> > 
> > turn the wheel while I  look at the axels and cv joints I can see the  one 
> she
> > 
> >  is turning turn normal and the other front is not moveing. How are the   
> > flanges on the tranny attach to the tranny? Is it possible one of  them is 
> > slipping 
> > at that point? 
> > 
> >  Elijah
> >  
> > Elijahammered
> > 
> > "..there was a  clunk like I popped the clutch or  
> > something.  There is  still normal pedal feel but when I let out on  the
> > clutch in any  
> > 
> > gear I  get no grab. What could this   be??"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Elijah,
> > 
> > I'm going to  guess that somehow someway one  of the axle shafts came loose
> > and  uncoupled.  
> > 
> > BTDT  one  wheel no go =   all wheels no go.
> > 
> > Take a looksee  underneath.
> >  
> > Only other probable may be a blown slave cylinder. attached  to  the
> > transmission.  Look for fluid there.  But I've only  heard of  that once on
> > list IIRC.
> > 
> > HTH
> >  
> > Bill M
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