[s-cars] Need to replace my radio - Advice Needed

Adam Cramer crameradam at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 18:51:07 EDT 2005

Here's a write up on how to install an aftermarket head unit and keep
the Bose speakers


I haven't done this myself, but others have.

95 S6 Avant

On 4/14/05, Djdawson2 at aol.com <Djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 4/14/2005 12:49:09 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> matt.ludwig2 at verizon.net writes:
> Thank  you Kevin for bringing this to light. I thought I had read pretty
> clearly  (in both documentation and case studies) where this could not
> be done but  it is great to know one can swap them out!
> My apologies Steven if my  post caused any unneeded worry. I thought I
> had this one understood enough  to post about it. Guess the audi gods
> did it to me again  ;)
> In the traditional sense, Matt is "right."  You can't just pull the
> headunit, and install a new one.  If you were to use Kevin's approach, you  would not
> be able to simply use the speaker outputs from the new head unit (as  one
> might expect), because the Bose system puts the amplifier element of the  system
> at the speaker.  Likewise, the low level signal going from the Bose  headunit
> to the amps is not setup to plug into the preamp outputs of the  normally
> configured replacement headunit.  You would have to understand the  wiring outputs
> of the Bose headunit (what wires go to what amps), cut them and  install RCA
> ends on them.
> Bottom line... it ain't exactly plug and play.
> Next item to consider is the high failure rate of the Bose amps.  Go  through
> all that trouble to replace the headunit while maintaining the Bose
> amps/speakers, and then an amp fails.  Now what?  Considering those  things, and the
> cost of good "normal" audio components, and I'd say do a clean  sweep.
> .02 from out west,
> Dave
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