[s-cars] RE: 12 points/set screw

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Thu Apr 21 14:49:18 EDT 2005

Bob Rossatonerded:

<<< Another source for the steel pins is metalnerd.  I recall seeing
that as one of the things they offered when that link was posted during
last week's brake tool discussion.  They were selling them for $9.95. I
forget the link.


I cannot possibly imagine a more appropo name for a site to be used by
this list.  And coming from Bob, of course, makes it even more appropo. 

Couldn't resist the lob.


ps.  me plastic dowel has worked fine for 3 years worth of gawd knows
hoooooooow many tire removal / mounting, tho I think I *will* scoff the
one out of Jen's ML...  didn't know it was in there, thanks Bob

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