[s-cars] Replacement Car stereo - Ipod integration - Thoughts onbrand?

matt ludwig matt.ludwig2 at verizon.net
Fri Apr 22 09:04:45 EDT 2005

Gonna have to shed some disagreeing light on this one, Steve.

I have used them throughout "large cities", specifically Washington, 
D.C., NYC, Boston, Denver (comparable to Seattle), and San Francisco- 
all with tremendous success and all in my Avant. I would not say they 
are "practically useless", not even close. They provide very good 
quality sound and for the $$, provide a very realistic solution to the 
overwhelming majority.

One other item that I did not mention w/ the Monster transmitter- it is 
powered amplification. This is key and makes the signal exponentially 
stronger, especially when dealing with smaller, local signals @ the 
bottom of the dial, like the ones FM modulators use.

Now, I am by no means trying to say this will out-do a fully integrated 
iPod system or even match sound quality w/ all things being equal, just 
not possible. What I am saying though, is this is a very nice 
alternative and amongst those FM modulators I have used, hands down the 
best I have seen or heard of.


matt ludwig.

On Apr 21, 2005, at 9:46 PM, Steve Powers wrote:

> Now for the other side of that coin.
> FM modulators work well in areas not saturated with radio signals,
> e.g. not so large cities. Here in Seattle, they're practically useless
> because you're always needing to switch frequencies. I don't even want
> to think about LA or NY.
> Steve Powers
> On 4/21/05, matt ludwig <matt.ludwig2 at verizon.net> wrote:
>> Don't mean to jack the original thread going on here, but I thought I
>> would share a lower cost experience for iPod integration.
>> Used a friend's Wireless FM Transmitter made by Monster last weekend 
>> on
>> a trip and was absolutely thrilled with the performance. Check it 
>> here:
>> http://www.monstercable.com/productPage.asp?pin=2734
>> Sound quality (despite haters of the BOSE system) was flawless and
>> clear. when a new, local station was detected of the same freq., 
>> easily
>> switched to pick up another. it blows away the crappy iTrip adapter
>> made by Griffin and is usable w/ a longer, yet concealable cable, and
>> nicely match-lighting of the interface w/ the UrS gauges.
>> not affiliated or anything like that, but once i see a couple trips in
>> the future, i will w/o question be picking one of these up.
>> sincerely,
>> matt ludwig.
>> 1995.5 S6 Avant
>> On Apr 21, 2005, at 7:20 PM, Taka Mizutani wrote:
>>> Calvin-
>>> Have you had good experiences with free-air subs? I have not heard a
>>> good system with
>>> free-air subs. That's why I advocated an acoustic suspension box.
>>> A nice 250W or 300W monoblock would be nice for the sub.
>>> Taka
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