[s-cars] Replacement Car stereo - Can just the Bose head unit be replaced?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 09:20:27 EDT 2005


one question still stands for me. Is it confirmed that just the head
unit portion of the Bose stereo system can be replaced without
replacing any other components and have a working system?

Or are there members of this list that disagree with that?

If I can replace just the head unit I'll start there, replacing the
speakers in the next phase. So yes I know replacing just the head unit
isn't going to improve the sound quality, but it is the first step.

As for FM modulators, I have read and heard rave reviews of the Monster
unit Matt has talked about. I wish to go with a new Alpine head unit
with the Alpine Ipod adapter so the Ipod can rest safely in the glove
box and the controls can be built into the stereo.

Thanks for the input

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