[s-cars] @#$% Cruise Control

Mark Strangways Strangconst at rogers.com
Mon Apr 25 23:13:14 EDT 2005

BFH time... ?

My baby Benz has the a similar problem, but with a twist.
You set it, it does nothing. Then 10 minutes or so later you de-accelerate 
for something and when you are about 20 MPH slower than setpoint, the cruise 
controls decides it just might be a good time to start.

The solution... I don't park the Audi on the same side as the Benz... these 
things are contagious you know.

I think if you are sure that you have all the signals and the switches are 
good, then it just might be time to check every wire for breaks or hardened 
I just might be a problem were the vibration has gotten to a brittle wire.

My 2 cents.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <calvinlc at earthlink.net>
To: "Mark Strangways" <Strangconst at rogers.com>; "s-car list" 
<s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 11:00 PM
Subject: [s-cars] @#$% Cruise Control

> OK guys, I have followed the Bentley procedure to the letter to diagnose 
> my
> cruise control issue.  Everything passes which indicates replace the
> controller.  I have tried 3 different controllers, none of which work
> consistently.  Once in a blue moon it will actually work.  Everything in 
> the
> Bentley Procedure is bulletproof with the possible exception of two 
> things.
> 1) One step says to monitor voltage between pin 8 and pin 5 above 20 mph 
> and
> make sure it is 12V.  I have 12V there all the time with the ignition on.
> Looking at the schematic I would expect 12V there all the time, it looks
> like it is coming straight from the fuse.
> 2) It doesn't really tell you much about checking the speedometer signal. 
> I
> see 2ms or so pulses coming down from 10V on this signal.  The signal 
> never
> quite makes it to ground, only about 1V or so, does anyone know if this is
> normal?
> I am at my wits end and I know at this point I know more than 90% of all
> mechanics about this problem so I don't think that's going to help me 
> much.
> Please Help!  Thanks!
> --Calvin
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