[s-cars] Cold Air Intake Mod Reduces Turbo Temp

Tony Curran tony.curran at sympatico.ca
Tue Apr 26 21:28:04 EDT 2005

Hi Mark,

Got chips from The Source (Bob Myers during GB @ Xmas). Yup I'll be doing it
myself - I was a hardware engineer once upon a time but haven't dabbled too
much with soldering iron recently but plan to practice on some old computer
boards at lab where I work.

96 S6

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Strangways [mailto:Strangconst at rogers.com]
Sent: April 26, 2005 9:21 PM
To: Tony Curran; S-Car-List at Audifans.Com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Cold Air Intake Mod Reduces Turbo Temp

Tony ,

I will likely be at my cottage this weekend...
It is located about an hour or so outside of Ottawa.

Should you have any issues with MRCing you car, feel free to contact me.
You are chipping to car yourself ? Where did the chip come from ?

If you want my phone number, I can send off list....
Don't want that Paul K guy calling about s-fest 2005 all the time ....

Mark S
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Curran" <tony.curran at sympatico.ca>
To: "S-Car-List at Audifans.Com" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:02 PM
Subject: [s-cars] Cold Air Intake Mod Reduces Turbo Temp

> Here is what may be considered un-scientific results of air temperature
> measurements of air flowing just behind the turbo before and after cold
> air
> intake mod. For the mod, the OE intake hose was removed leaving an
> increased
> airflow path from grill to turbo. Also temperature of air scooped in is at
> lower temperature (heat from engine does warm up OE scoop). A NTC
> thermistor
> was mounted on the oxygen sensor cable protruding in to air space just
> behind turbo and wastegate and wired to ohm meter in cabin - the lower the
> measured resistance, the higher the temp (same device used for both
> tests).
> Test conditions:
> The measurements were taken on the same stretch of road at roughly same
> time
> of day with approx ambient air temp: 16 deg.C +/- 1 deg.C (1450 ohms :
> 1000ohms at 25 deg.C). The speed was set via cruise control to 115km/h.
> Results...
> Measurement Time Before Mod After Mod
> Start 779 694
> 10 mins 605 666
> 14 mins 602 640
> 22 mins 550 676
> 25 mins 670 714
> The results suggest that the additional air flow over the turbo/wastegate,
> due to OE intake hose being absent, reduces the operational temperature of
> the turbo. I know, not enough samples to be conclusive, but indidicative?
> I plan to place a shield over the exposed air intake hose from the MAF to
> direct more air towards the turbo to see if this further changes the
> temperature characteristics and also prevent turbo from heating that hose.
> BUT this is unlikely to happen before car is MRC'd this weekend.
> Food for thought...
> Tony
> 96 S6
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