[s-cars] Engine Rebuild Questions

Mtgadbois at aol.com Mtgadbois at aol.com
Thu Apr 28 21:44:34 EDT 2005

Last summer I had my timing belt go away when the crankshaft timing gear  
broke. This slight malfunction caused the oil pump housing to break as well as  
having some valves and pistons trying to occupy the same space at the same  
time.   Here are some of the prices I paid and where I bought  them:
>From EuroWebParts:
- Cylinder head gasket set - $206.72
- Intake valve - $13.58 each
- timing chain - $19.00 (recommended by QSHIPQ to replace with a valve  job)
- Oil pan gasket - $28.00 each - need 2
- Oil rain plug - $4.54
- Crankshaft seal - $2.56
- Cylinder head bolts - $12.42 each
>From Shokan:
- Used parts like Oil Pump etc.
>From Audi Dealer:
- Crankshaft Bolt - $12.88
- Damper to Crankshaft gear hardware - $baby dollars
>From Tim, FAP99
- Timing belt kit
- Spark plugs
- Thermostat 
I must also mention an Excellent Valve job at Apex Automotive 
including 10 new bronze valve guides  $312.
- Also his help in removing certain exhaust studs, cleaning up the threads  
on my
new exhaust studs for the installation of an RS2 exhaust manifold.   N/C
This happened at 101K miles and upon teardown I found my engine in  excellent 
shape.  The cylinder walls still had hone marks.  As I  recall the top ridge 
was minimal and if I wanted to I could have taken out the  pistons without any 
So have fun!
Mark near Chicago

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