[s-cars] Phatnoise upgrade write up

Tom Mullane tmullane at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 10:24:22 EDT 2005


I few weeks ago, I promised a write up on upgrading 95.5 and later
models equipped with the Delta head unit to Concert I and Phatnoise. 
The write up is done, and Steve Young claims it was useful in his
avant upgrade, so I hereby release it to the masses.  I'm trying to
figure out how to upload it to the pdf archive on S-cars.org, and if I
succeed I will provide a link.  In the meantime, interested parties
can email me and I will sent out copies.

Steve will be attempting to upgrade the S4 at some point, so there may
be more to follow, but at this point I have no help to offer there.


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