[s-cars] Audifans lists leaking mail addresses to spammers

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Tue Aug 9 10:03:01 EDT 2005

This is primarily for the attention of the people supporting
the audifans.com list servers.  My apologies to the rest
of you.

I have strong evidence that spammers are able to collect email 
addresses from the audifans.com list servers.

I am subscribed to four lists on these servers, and these
servers know five email addresses for me - one for each list
and the address from which I post to the lists.  

Yesterday and today, I received the same two spam emails sent to each
of the five email addresses known to the audifans.com list servers.

The lists to which I subscribe are:
    s-car-list, quattro, V8, and vwdiesel

I never post to the vwdiesel list, so it's almost impossible for someone
to have picked up this address from a list archive.

If one of the audifans.com support people will contact me directly,
I will provide more details.

    - Charlie Smith
      charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org

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