[s-cars] Too much boost

Tom Mullane tmullane at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 20:46:07 EDT 2005


Terrific.  That sounds like an easy fix ;-/

Marc suggested something along those lines.  Because the ECU, WGFV,
and WG all check out, I was assuming that the ECU was setting boost at
that level due to some faulty input.  Marc said that until we can
watch the duty cycle at the WGFV we have no idea what the ECU is
trying to do...or, more correctly, what the WGFV is receiving for a

If the there is an output problem, it is either the ECU or the wiring
to the WGFV.  I guess the best way to eliminate the wiring would be to
run another set of wires directly to the WGFV from the ECU.

The other side of the coin is input.  What sort of faulty input, other
than boost, could cause the ECU to demand so much boost?

At this point, I have returned the WG spring back to factory position.
 Boost is still silly.


> Tom,
> This sounds a lot like what I was seeing in the '93 S4.   I could
> never EXACTLY trace down the source of the problem, but I'm pretty
> sure I narrowed it down to the wiring to the WGFV.
> I tried all the stuff you did, swapping WGFV, etc etc.  The only way i
> noticed the problem either being there or not being there was that
> everytime it changed, it was right after unplugging/plugging the
> wiring connector to the WGFV.
> I'm wondering if the right two wires short, the WGFV might get stuck
> at full-closed.  Or something like that.
> At some point the problem went away, and I never saw it again (though
> I was always careful to avoid fiddling with the wiring in that area!!)
> Cheers,
> Keith
> --
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> PGP Key: http://keith.maddock.com/pgpkey.html

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