[s-cars] Lucky '95 S-6 Owner
Bill de Alva
billdealva at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 14 16:57:43 EDT 2005
I'm certain you are correct - that the axle has either broken or come apart at either the wheel or the front differential / transmission. I am 300 miles from the nearest Audi dealer and 50 miles from the nearest qualified mechanic. I would like to determine the exact problem and whether any parts need to be replaced.
It is difficult to imagine how the torsion bar - control arm joint could go back together without the drive axle engaging at both ends. On the other hand wouldn't a shattered axle make some noise when the car is moved or the transmission put in gear?
In any case, I would like to attempt at least a visual inspection so that I am better able to assess my options. I've posted the Bentley pages relating to service of the axle and CV joints here. The instructions on removal of the axle include the following caution:
Do not loosen the bolt/washer assembly for the wheel hub unless the
car is standing on its wheels-risk of accident!
My questions now are:
(1) Is the above caution simply intended to protect against application of too much torque on the drive axle?,
(2) Once loosened, should the wheel be removed to complete removal of the axle?
(3) Does the drive axle simply pull out of the outer CV joint once disconnected at the transmission flange (the instructions are not clear)?
(4) What are the chances that I could diagnose the problem by pulling back the inner and outer cCVboots?
Thanks for the advice!
Steve Powers <sbpowers at gmail.com> wrote:
it could be as easy as pushing the axle(s) back into a CV joint (the
one near the transaxle or at the wheel). the wheel becoming
disconnected from the suspension may have yanked it loose - they
attach via a clip.
on the other hand, it may be something else.
Steve Powers
On 8/14/05, Bill de Alva wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for some guidance after an interesting experience with my '95 S-6. I was about 200 yards from home, ttravelingabout 2 MPH as I gently rode over the last neighborhood speed bump. I hear a crunch and loud grinding noise from the vicinity of my right front wheel. I got out and found that the right front strut had come off of the torsion bar!
> Obviously, I was very lucky this did not happen at any speed. I was able to find the nut, washer and bushing that secures the strut, via the lower control arm to the torsion bar. After getting it all back together, I discovered there is no longer a connection between the engine and the wheels. Absolutely nothing happens when I let out the clutch with the car in gear!
> OK, so what happened? I assume something has disengaged in my front final drive mechanism. I have the Bentley manual on CD but I have not yet found an obvious explanation of what is wrong.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Bill
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