[s-cars] '95 S6 Autocheck Display died

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Tue Aug 23 16:57:01 EDT 2005

The most likely problem is that the bulbs which light the display may have 
burnt out.  They are easy (and cheap) to replace.  As a test you can swap 
the bulbs from perhaps less critical portions of the dash for a 
while.  (Perhaps the clock and the voltmeter?)

Pull the instrument cluster (2 screws from underneath, slip the lower trim 
piece out to the left [tilting and telescoping the wheel will help], remove 
three screws along lower edge of the IC and slide it out of the dash far 
enough to tip the top toward you and disconnect the various connectors thus 
exposed), use a small straight screwdriver to turn the bulbs 1/4 turn and 
then invert the IC so the bulbs fall out into your hand.

At 04:42 PM 8/23/2005, Bill de Alva wrote:

>My autocheck display is still dead.  Has anyone seen a diagnostic protocol 
>to trouble shoot a dead display?
>Hate to start replacing parts without any assurance I'm on the right track...
>Thanks again for any feedback,
>Bill de Alva
>'95 S6
>'91 200 TQ
>Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org> wrote:
>Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 18:05:41 -0400
>To: Bill de Alva <billdealva at yahoo.com>
>From: Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org>
>Subject: Re: [s-cars] '95 S6 Autocheck Display died
>It could be as simple as a burnt out back-light bulb or two.
>At 05:52 PM 8/19/2005, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>The autocheck display on my '96 S6 just went dead.  The entire display has 
>a soft orange glow but no symbols or characters appear at any time now.
>My mechanic had a used display from a wrecked A6 that he tried, it was 
>dead too.  Could be the used display is bad too.  I understand there is 
>another circuit (autocheck?) that feeds the display.
>Any tips for trouble shooting this would be greatly appreciated.
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