[s-cars] S-Fest 2005

Keith Maddock keith.maddock at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 01:18:36 EDT 2005

Just got home a bit ago (11:30PM) from a 700+ mile drive home from
S-Fest.  Absolutely nuts, my scalp is so sunburned, my knees are
locked at a 90 degree angle and perhaps I'll regain some hearing
tomorrow :)

More pictures and comments coming in the coming days but wanted to say
THANKS to Paul K, Bys, Jeff Posto, Bob Rossato, and Jim Pasqualoni for
their hard work in putting this event together (and cleaning it up in
the damn rain!!), Baloney for stopping every 200 miles so I could keep
the Miata full of gas on our bonzai run to and from CT, and everyone
else who contributed to a very good weekend.

PGP Key: http://keith.maddock.com/pgpkey.html

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