[s-cars] accident: thinking of parting 93 S4

brian hoeft surlyq at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 12:29:14 EDT 2005

damn jesse, that really hurts to hear, my deep condolences.
 if my urS ever dies, a part of me will as well, its tough to think, but 
yes, be happy the only injuries were to the car.
 i currently have a 93s4 im parting, but the best part to part is blown.. 
the motor. so if you want to recoup, start there. 93's have the more-metal 
IC if im not mistaken as well as maybe carbon fibre(optional).
 my pie_in_the_sky mentality would encourage a rebuild, but it would be 
daunting and frustrating at best. any parts i have id be willing to part 
with to help the cause, but the whole front clip is gone already... if you 
want price figures, im not one to ask... since i feel shameful for even 
whoring out the car ive been selling the parts way cheaper than 
force5,shokan or dad's... < theyd be a good baseline read if youre looking 
for numbers.
 again, my condolences, -brian

 On 8/31/05, Jesse Bodenlos <jsb at wam.umd.edu> wrote: 
> My father and I met several people from this list at S Fest last saturday.
> We came in a stock perl white 93 S4. Unfortunately today the car slid
> out on a wet road and hit almost head on into a concrete highway divider
> and spun around smacking the rear as well. Thankfully no one was hurt
> except the car. The coolant leaked out evrywhere since the rad got
> mushed. front bumper/lights/hood/grill/quarter panel/etc are all done
> for. The rear bumper is garbage and the left quarter panel is bent. From
> the small time I spent looking at the car between being expremely pissed 
> off
> and trying to get to work, it doesnt look like the front compacted enough 
> to
> damage the engine past the rad and perhaps the IC. The front core support 
> is
> obviously bent to hell I would assume, but I didn't lift the
> mangled hood to check anything out. What leads me to believe there may
> be some serious mechanical damage however: The steering column is
> extremely loose.
> It still turns the wheels, but you can wiggle it all over the place.
> There was some smoke coming out of the dash, but no sign of fire. Some
> grey liquid squirted out of the dash onto my right shoulder.. don't know
> what it was.
> At this point I am not sure whether fixing the car will be worth the
> money, and I am considering parting it out if I can recoup some of what I
> spent to purchase it. I do not know anything about the going rate for
> Audi parts of the expense to fix a car with this much damage. Please give
> me your input so we can make the right decision.
> The body has 119,xxx miles. The 20v engine and turbo were replaced
> ~27,000 miles ago. Rotors replaced ~25k ago. Many other parts replaced
> 25-27k ago.. I forget everything but I have all receipts at home.
> rest of the car:
> Stock 16" forged S4 wheels with some all season crappy in the rain tires.
> Stock 93 suspension.
> PRISTINE black leather interior. Of all the cars I saw at S Fest, our car
> had the nicest interior.. no wear on the seats or carpet.
> The dash was also in perfect condition, but that may have changed, and the
> airbags were deployed.
> It saddens me that my 1st post here is detailing the death of an S4, so I
> would appreciate any input you can give me. Thanks
> Jesse
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