[s-cars] Mounting tabs for headlamp assembly solution inside, may help for adjuster clips

Nic Bode spedrcr at comcast.net
Mon Dec 5 10:44:55 EST 2005

I know this is not the same clip, but it may help.

My solution to my many broken mounting tabs on my euro lights was TAP
plastics. A local plastic store that happens to be be manned by an Audi
enthusiast. I got a tube of E6000 adhesive.
http://www.tapplastics.com/shop/product.php?pid=129&  Two kinds available,
slow and fast running. I think I bought the slow, black in color. I put the
tabs on the headlights, spaced them from underneath with washers taped down
to the bucket so they would be at the right height and then gooped on the
E6000 with popsicle sticks and dental tools. I then taped the newly adhered
tab over with blue painters tape and let it sit for a day. This stuff will
run in really warm weather so you have to prop the headlights up so it runs
in the right direction or no run at all. Best to do it in cooler weather. I
had broken tabs on the top and bottom so it was a three day process. After
letting it all dry, I removed the tape and washers and installed the lights
with no problem. The E6000 has just enough give to remain slightly flexible
and I have not had another broken tab since. The adhesive is slow enough to
mold in the shape you need it but then tape over it to hold it in
place/shape that you want. I've used the E6000 in many other applications
and it works wonders. It is the true super glue as it bonds to all plastics
that I have tried.

Hope that helps.

aka spedrcr

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