[s-cars] Radiator Leaking in A4

Brian Powell powellb at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 17:07:01 EST 2005

Listers, the wife's 96 A4 has developed a problem (side note: this car
has 97k miles on it, and this is the third fault that has sprung up on
it--the other two cost a total of $38 in parts to solve. I have to
admit this car has been fantastic): the radiator has developed a leak.
It seems to be coming from the driver side, rear of the radiator 3/4
of the way toward the top between the plastic end tank and the
aluminium core.

Is the only solution to replace the radiator? I can get one from Scott
Mockery; however, there are two choices: AKG ($166) or Nissens ($188).
Any particular one that is better? Is it possible to remove the
radiator (similar setup to the C4 S4/6s) without losing the R134A?


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