[s-cars] INOP Tach and Low Oil Press. Indication

AUDIJIM at aol.com AUDIJIM at aol.com
Sat Dec 10 15:41:16 EST 2005

I still have an INOP tack in my 93' S4. As suggested, I took a look into 
Scott's SJM site and he didn't have anything in there for my problem. I removed 
the IC and took it apart and used a magnifying glass to hunt for poor solder 
joints. None found. I replaced the tach and assembled the IC and finally 
reinstalled the IC into the dash. Still inop. When I got gas today, the car was nice 
and warm after driving my wife to work and the tach bounced a couple times 
before I turned it off at the gas station, like it was trying to work.

I have the oil low pressure light (a red oil can with a drop falling off the 
tip) on now at the center of the dash that says "OK" when you start up the 
car. The gauge at the far right of the cluster (oil pressure) indicates that oil 
pressure is OK, as is the gauge next to it, oil temp. Is my instrument cluster 
going crazy? It seems that cold has playing havoc on this car.


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