[s-cars] >>> HVAC help for the old school dude...
Jason Mawhinney
jmawhinney at skybest.com
Tue Dec 13 08:13:31 EST 2005
If you would like to run a Vag tool on it, there is a list of people who
have them. http://www.steve-hall.com/cgi-bin/VAG-Locator.pl
BTW, how much did you have to flare the fenders and allroad the susp. to
make 235/75-17s fit in the wheel wells?! ;-) I'm thinking typo.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Gagnon" <bullitt at gwi.net>
To: "Thompson" <rallye90 at yahoo.com>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:45 AM
Subject: RE: [s-cars] >>> HVAC help for the old school dude...
> Thompson,
> I had the same problem a few years ago. I replaced the servo motor that
> is
> located behind the ash tray in the center console. It was not too bad of
> a
> job and did not require a major disassemble of the dash. If I remember, I
> got a used part from Force 5 Auto in Concord, NH and only had to remove a
> few pieces of ductwork to get at the part.
> Jack
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Thompson
> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 9:34 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] >>> HVAC help for the old school dude...
> HVAC help for the old school dude...
> I've dailed in my bowden cables to work great on my Porsche for
> this winter but, subject is my '95 S6'er and I'm at a loss.
> Just cranked out 604.5 miles from Northern Vermont down to
> Providence, RI (through Friday's snow storm) and back home this
> last weekend. My new Nokian 235/75-17 WR's rock! Anyway, my
> dillema is >>
> No heat on da feet.
> In manual mode the defrost works fine, and so does the center
> vents or toggling between the two. When the lower button is
> pressed it defaults to defrost. I looked on my Bentley CD
> manual and there is a huge diagnostic section that calls for a
> VAG 1551 (or Ross-Tech set up I'm assuming). I don't have one,
> Pete Flagg at Autohaus locally does (ask him, I'll get after
> it). Can I diagnose without a VAG 1551 in the meantime?
> Collective geniuses...please advise.
> Thompson
> 1995 //S6
> 1985 944.1 Club Sport Targa
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