[s-cars] RE: Winter tires - minimum tread depth

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Dec 13 11:57:12 EST 2005

Larry reaallllly doesn't want to know:

<<<Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 13:29:22 -0500
From: LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Winter tires - minimum tread depth
To: Ingo Rautenberg <i.rautenberg at waratap.com>
Cc: "S-Car-List at Audifans.Com" <s-car-list at audifans.com>,	Mark
	Strangways <Strangconst at rogers.com>
	<85e5c2670512121029w3d9382fdrd287fc8756b91381 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Doesn't Rossato just use a spare bedroom for that?>>>


And his kitchen countertop for Schrick camshaft storage (new,
Rossato'ed, in box yes of course).  Very wife unfriendly me thinks...
noooo way Bob can get married, good birth control method I'd say too.

-Paul kitchen sans cams K.

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