[s-cars]Warning light on dash

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Thu Dec 15 17:22:13 EST 2005

Tom writes:

> Ok, Lee, but did the light go out ?

Yep. And it stayed out today.

> The wife's '03 displays the 2 lamps facing each other 
> illuminated in green whenever the parking lights are on.  I 
> don't think there was any provision for this indicator light 
> before '98 MY but I am no expert on systems.  It sounds more 
> like a bulb holder is loose and happens to be behind this 
> unused indicator panel.  If it is displaying correctly, it 
> should only be on if the parking lights are turned on.  The 
> bulb holders should have a color dot on them to indicate 
> which slot they belong in.  Nobody mentioned the security 
> immobilizer light that comes on with the ignition, but like 
> the MIL, seatbelt, and airbag lights, it should not stay on 
> after start.  (Assuming you have fastened the seatbelt.)
> I kind of liked the advice to RTFM. :-)

First thing I did. Doh. :)

> You are fortunate :-) to have the expanded fault detection 
> and monitoring system with the V6.
> As a quickie fix, I would look at the vacuum hose between the 
> combination valve and the Secondary Air injection (AIR) 
> solenoid valve-N112- It runs in front of the #1 cylinder bank 
> in plain sight and perhaps is leaking.
> After that, it would be other vacuum lines leaking or 
> plugged, bad valves, wiring, etc.
> There is an elaborate protocol for VAG-COM diagnosis in the 
> Bentley, so if it is not the simple one, then I guess it's RTFM. :-)

Bingo. That's what the Bentley says to look at...


> Tracking down these innocuous little problems is what earned 
> dealers their reputation for sparing no expense to fix your problem.


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