[s-cars] Scammer alert!

audiSean audisean at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 09:08:04 EST 2005

I find this on Google, btw:

 Jubilee Chinese Cresteds
  Buck and Judi Tilford
  3850 South Peyton Hwy
  Colorado Springs, Colorado 80930
  719-683-6410 or fax: 719-683-6411
  e-mail: muddipaws at aol.com

On 12/15/05, elijahallen92 at aol.com <elijahallen92 at aol.com> wrote:
> Hey guys, I'm sure most of you have seen this guys ads but for those who have not, this guy goes by Jerry Tilferd but according to a guy on audiworld that bought a car from him his real name is Jared Tilford. He is selling urs-car parts and I hear he has them listed in several different places although I have only delt with him on AW. Below are the emails I exchanged with him and also a couple of my post to AW and other peoples experiances with this guy. I clearly gave him a chance to clear his name but he chose to be silent so here I am Jerry/Jared, I thought I would include his email so he can see what a POS he really is and since we have so many listers in Colorado and he left his address for me to send payment to, maybe he deserves a little visit from the CO Mafia. Anyway, watch out for this guy and spread the word to others that might come across his adds.
> Elijah
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/98593.phtml
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/98634.phtml
> >From me-
> Hi, are you selling the chips and ECU together? Is the 3 bar sensor included? Thanks,
> Elijah
> >From Jerry-
> yes It is all together, chips, 3 bar, ecu
> >From me-
> How much is the total with shipping to 49653 Michigan? Also, how do you except payment? Thanks,
> Elijah
> >From Jerry-
> $350 includes shipping, I prefer personal check or cashiers check
> >From me-
> I'll take it, what is the address you want the check sent to? Thanks,
> Elijah
>  From Jerry-
> $350 includes shipping, I prefer personal check or cashiers check
> Please send it to
> Jerry tilferd
> 3850 s. peyton hwy
> colorado springs CO
> 80930
> I will ship it out as soon as it gets here,  look forward to hearing from you soon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elijahallen92
> To: Turboaudiracr
> Sent: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 13:08:33 -0500
> Subject: Re: MTM 1+
> Jerry,
>  I am sorry to say that after reading on Audiworld about you I am hesitant to go through with this transaction. There are people saying that you owe them money and also people that say you quit writing them after be asked to provide pictures. I'll tell you what, if you are in fact honest and want to go through with this transaction send me the ECU first and I will then promptly put a check in the mail one day air mail. I am a very honest person and have been parting different cars out for the past 5 years so get on audifans or audiworld if you want to check with the many people who have made transactions with me and are happy. I am also on ebay as audis4motors and have 100% positive feedback. So if this works for you please send it out asap and I will clear your name on audiworld and audifans, if I don't hear back from you within the next 24hrs I will post to the 5 different audi sites that I am a member of and make sure everyone knows to watch out for you. Thanks for your cooperation.
> Elijah
> >From Jerry-
> That is fine, I should have no problem selling my stuff anyways, I will not be able to send you the ecu prior to payment, maybe there is another way,  Im sorry I do not like to get ripped off just like every other joe
> >From me-
> There is another way, just send it UPS with there COD option, that means no delivery without payment. I'm trying to make this easy and safe for both of us.
> Elijah
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Sean [99 A6 2.8q]

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