[s-cars] Re: [Es2] Re: Scammer alert!

Kenneth Keith auditude at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 16:15:56 EST 2005

Is this the same kid that was thinking about parting out his urS4 and
had a Stromung, ECS big (the one-piece rotor style) brake kit, and
some other stuff?  He didn't remember where he got his Stromung from,
or what was wrong with his broken car, etc?  He got all hostile with
some folks on AW via IM and there was a small thread on it?  It kind
of rings a bell and I was wondering if it was the same dude.


On 12/16/05, Steve Eiche <seiche at shadetreesoftware.com> wrote:
> Well, I do know he has already gotten at least one check from a local CO
> Audi owner, who got nothing to show for it.   I emailed about the
> complete engine, and as soon as I mentioned I would come down to pick it
> up cash in hand he stopped communicating, which sounds the same as what
> I have heard from others locally.
> Yes, I do believe that this guy will be visited at that address, perhaps
> by people wearing blue uniforms...
> Steve
> Mike Teter wrote:
> > Hey Elijah,
> >
> > Having found myself on the losing end of a scam recently, I feel your
> > pain.
> >
> > I live only a handful of miles from the address you show for the guy.
> > I could do a "drive by" to see if the address is legit. If you are
> > still wanting to do biz with the him, you could Paypal me and I'll
> > give him a check or whatever.
> >
> > Mike Teter
> > Colorado Springs, CO
> > ebay id: mikethemacroid
> >
> >> Hey guys, I'm sure most of you have seen this guys ads but for  those
> >> who have not, this guy goes by Jerry Tilferd but according to  a guy
> >> on audiworld that bought a car from him his real name is  Jared
> >> Tilford. He is selling urs-car parts and I hear he has them  listed
> >> in several different places although I have only delt with  him on
> >> AW. Below are the emails I exchanged with him and also a  couple of
> >> my post to AW and other peoples experiances with this  guy. I clearly
> >> gave him a chance to clear his name but he chose to  be silent so
> >> here I am Jerry/Jared, I thought I would include his  email so he can
> >> see what a POS he really is and since we have so  many listers in
> >> Colorado and he left his address for me to send  payment to, maybe he
> >> deserves a little visit from the CO Mafia.  Anyway, watch out for
> >> this guy and spread the word to others that  might come across his adds.
> >>
> >> Elijah

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