[s-cars] Scammer Alert

forrest bradshaw sola4est at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 18 04:04:28 EST 2005

Just where does he get all these cars and other goodies like RS2 turbos and manifolds and ECUs and software, and be able to sell it all for so cheap.  
  there has been one occasion documented that states a transaction has fully gone through in a legit manner.  I expect that if people have actually had good interactions with this seller they would have stepped up to say so by now, this has not once happened.
  I am not accusing the man of being a scam artist (he's lacking the creativity), but he does appear to be awfully distrustful at this moment in time.
  I had been talking through email with him about purchasing the RS2 turbo and manifold for $800 and he was ready to deal as was/am I.   with my knowledge of his reputation I was too hesitant to send him a check, so I had asked for COD delivery, which he responded by saying was too expensive, but he also said he was open to other options.   I then made arrangments with a friend to make the deal in person, and told Jared who has not since responded to my attempts at contact
  but still my question is where all these things are coming from?  how many URS cars does he own, and if he has the ability to own this many of them should'nt he also be able to manitain or fix any one of them when it breaks, like that RS2'd S4 he sold cause the HG went bad.  he told me the turbo and manifold are off his car he recently wrecked.
  just sounds fishy
  thats my 2 cents--it's too damn Fishy--there should be no question--if he's not a scammer than he's real dishonest
  why not just everyone on the list flood all his email accounts and voice mail till he pulls his sh*t off the internet or comes clean, I like to complain too but actions are louder than words
  sorry for the lenghy response, I have just finished my PITA rhetorical writeing class and semester, feels good to be free

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