[s-cars] S8 Spotted near Breckenridge

Chad Clark chadaclark4 at msn.com
Sun Dec 18 21:49:54 EST 2005

Hehehe, I guess if you don't get to see them that often, then it is worth 
taking a picture. Truth is Randy, these "rare" Audis are all too common in 
and around the mountains of Colorado.
If you really want to see something special,  next time you are on I-70 near 
Vail, I encourage you to drive through the two(2) Vail parking structures in 
town. Don't stay in the structure too long or it will cost you $100:-) I was 
there skiing two weeks ago and here's what I saw:
One green! RS6,
two Avus silver RS6's
one Daytona gray RS6
 plenty of S8's- pick your color!  Black and silver are most common
New silver B7 S4
So many B5 S4's, not even worth mentioning
always plenty of Ur-S4/6's, mine included.

Given the climate, steep mountain passes and need for fast all-wheel-drive 
cars, these small mountain towns(Aspen included) are where you'll find these 

Boulder, Colorado

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lewis Consulting" <lewisconsulting at sasktel.net>
To: "S Car List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: [s-cars] S8 Spotted near Breckenridge

> Hi Guys,
> Okay...so I am from Saskatchewan, so when I see a S8 I get a little 
> excited.... pulled up beside a silver beauty last week (Dec. 9th) on my 
> way to Moab, Utah, on the interstate near Breckenridge outside of 
> Denver...did sneak a picture, no plate, must have either just bought it or 
> stole it..... not sure what year it was, but it pretty much looked like a 
> UrS, but smooooth like butter!  Anyone want a pic of this, email me off 
> list.
> ps., my buddy's '88 F150 blew right by it !!! (yes, we were lucky to get 
> back home!) ..if any of you ride a motorcyle offroad .... go to Moab, it 
> was worth the 22 hr. one way drive !!
> Happy Holidays from Saskatchewan !
> Randy
> * lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
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