[s-cars] Default code for phone?

Marc Gorelick marc at frogville.net
Mon Dec 19 16:39:31 EST 2005

Hi, UrS fans...

After disconnecting my battery for some service a while back, I noticed 
that my analog phone is now locked. I never use it, of course...but I 
still would like to actually work until I decide to remove it and put 
something else there! Besides, it could theortetically come in handy for 
a 911 call or something at some point.

So, is there a standard default code that works on these, or do I have 
to get the code from the dealer? If it's the latter, I will probably 
just take it out since the dealer will doubtless want money for this 
information. Basically if it's free I'll fix it and if it costs > $.01, 
forget it.

Thanks for any info!


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