[s-cars] Re: [V8] STEBRO GROUP BUY

Djdawson2 at aol.com Djdawson2 at aol.com
Sat Feb 5 12:10:27 EST 2005

In a message dated 2/5/2005 5:21:28 AM Mountain Standard Time, 
Jeff.Postupack at analog.com writes:

> Allow me to correct "Dave Dawson" on a few points.. 
> (Not to bash DJ, but the truth must be known. )
> JP-This is _not _ true at present. Please inspect the current production 
> system.
> Early Generation 2's had this flaw, was corrected 2.5 years ago.
> Now Gen 4, called RSS is full and complete 3" all the way. 
> There are FOUR generations of Stromung out there, so be careful to look for 
> the latest Gen 4. It's easy to get the wrong impression by evaluating an 
> older system.

Truth being known, and correcting my comments... let me say this.  What I've 
said is IN FACT true and accurate.  The fact that it took Stromung 4 
generations to make a true 3" system, when they advertised it as such since the 
beginning, is inexcusable.  Many folks bought a system that was misrepresented from 
the start.  Mike Pederson discovered his system to be built this way, and I cut 
into Keith Maddock's system, and found the same thing.  If Stromung has 
corrected these issues, great.  However, that doesn't make my statements about 
systems I've observed any less true or accurate.  If Pederson hadn't discovered 
this in the first place, I doubt Stromung or you would have revealed they were 
building this way in the past.

> "Sit in Stromung equipped car's back seat sometime and listen to the full 
> throttle whistle similar to that of a 70's big block station wagon wheezing 
> through a tiny muffler.  "
> JP-If you say so , I'll believe you Dave. I always drive in the front left 
> seat !

Funny comment indeed... but again, the facts remain.  Have someone drive your 
car, and give it a listen... you'll gain a full appreciation for the sound of 
a 3 inch pipe flowing abruptly into a 2.5 inch muffler... something you 
wouldn't experience if you had got what you paid for in the first place.

> "Second, the downpipe uses a  very poor wastegate pipe design that re-enters 
> the downpipe perpendicular to the main flow."
> JP- This is not true at present as well  Please inspect the current 
> production system.  Early Generation 2's and Gen 3's  had this flaw, Now Gen 4, 
> downpipe has the WG enter "downstream" at a gradual entry. Look at Charlie Smith's 
> site for latest photos. You'll see my points are accurate.  Or write my 
> offlist, I'll send a package of photos. 

Again, you're stating that Stromung has finally corrected these issues as an 
inaccuracy in my statements.  Look under your hoods folks... how many of you 
paid good money for a poor system?

I'm happy to hear that the 4th generation of this system has got it right.  I 
don't hold anything against Jeff P, or his comments.  However, I would think 
there must be a group of folks somewhat PO'd that they spent hard earned $ on 
a 3 inch system that was, in fact, not what it was represented to be.

If the latest system looks to be a great solution, go for it.  But, since the 
"truth must be known," then be aware of what they WERE producing and selling 
to lots of folks on this list.
That's all I've got... fire away!
Take care,

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