northrup northrup at crazybug.com
Tue Feb 8 14:12:57 EST 2005

its hard to say what is worse or better.  I've had cars up on stands for 
months waiting for a koni rebuild as well.   Koni seems to close down 
their factory for months at a time - and that doesn't seem to help either. 

it's all quite frustrating.   i have KW's for now,  i have no idea if they 
will be any better or worse come rebuild time. 


On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Mike Claire wrote:

> Last summer when I was deciding what to do about my suspension, I
> talked to the guys at NEA (Northern European) in Concord NH.  They
> told me they will NEVER install Bilsteins again.  Only Koni's for
> them.  They've had too many problems.  Now even after listening to
> this, I was unable to come up with any other anectodes like theirs -
> so I bought the Bilsteins anyway.  From somebody else....  I thought
> they'd be less harsh on the roads we have to deal with around here.
> I wonder if this was the kind of problems they were referring to?
> Mike
> On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 13:21:28 -0500, quattro <allanvega at adelphia.net> wrote:
> > Just got off the phone with Rah-ool) Cant spell his name. Informed me that my warenty has been invalidated if the shock was bent,wich they are.  Says they were istalled improperly. I tried explaing to Mr Rahool that because of there inverted design, and the failed sealling cap, water was able to get down into the strut housing. What hapens to water in subzero temps(like here in the north east? IT FREEZES!!!  What happens to a shock that cant compress because of frozen water? I f***kn bends. He did not care to hear to  it....said i shoudve drillled holes in the side of my strut housings. Never again man.
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