[s-cars] lug length

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Wed Feb 9 15:43:24 EST 2005

Don't have any lug bolts handy to measure length, but BBS wheels typically have spherical seats, like OEM, not conical seats.

You could try Tire Rack for new BBS lug bolts.  Years ago I got a whole set of 10.8 grade bolts from to replace the 8.8 grade ones that came with the BBS wheels (track car).  Have no clue as to what they would charge, but it's another source.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: dooksniffer at comcast.net
> S-folk,
> Couple of lug nut q's
> 1. What is the length of the shaft on oem lugs?
> 2. Anyone running BBS rx (or equivalent) 17x8 35mm offset and what would be 
> recommended length for new conical seat lugs?
> 3.  Is there a source cheaper than ECS @ $2.95ea?
> any and all thoughts appreciated
> Ron

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