[s-cars] Oil Leak 94 S4

lebakken1 at netzero.com lebakken1 at netzero.com
Fri Feb 11 00:07:21 EST 2005

>Greg wrote:

>Upon closer inspection, I determined that the problem
was a leaking oil pressure switch, which is above the
oil pressure sensor.  

>Part was less than $8.00 at local import parts place,
had same numbers on it as the Audi one that came out
and the guy said it was S4 specific.  Now I get to
deal with a belly pan full of oil.

This reminds me of the only time this has happened to me (complete failure); in 1987, in my first Audi - a 4000 5+5 - what a great car.

Now that I have aged myself; when I have replaced an oil pressure switch on subsequent cars, I have always checked to be sure that it was from machined steel (check for lathe marks), and not the crap cast pot metal ones, which will work on I5's (don't know about AAN's) and also on '60's VW Bugs.

The one on the 5+5 took a pinkies worth of torque on a 19mm box to shear off in the back side of the cyl. head; and the better part on an afternoon with three progessively sized reverse extractors to get out.

And a ton of knuckle DNA as well.

HTH, and torque carefully on things that could leave a hole in your head.

Craig Lebakken
94 S4

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